Trigger Airflow DAG

Steps to trigger airflow DAG


In Airflow, a DAG –Directed Acyclic Graph – is a collection of the tasks you want to run, organized in a way that reflects their relationships and dependencies.

A DAG is defined in a Python script, which represents the DAGs structure (tasks and their dependencies) as code.

Run DAG Airflow

Manual Trigger

1.Log onto the Punjab Prod server using the credentials:

URL: Sign In - Airflow

username: admin

password: admin

2. Trigger the DAG by clicking on the “Trigger DAG with Config” option.

3. Enter a date and click on the Trigger button

Format {“date”: “dd-MM-yyyy”}

4. Click on the Log option and expand the DAG to view the logs. Choose a stage for any module.

Logs can also be viewed in the Elastic search index adaptor_logs

GET adaptor_logs/_search - the timestamp is provided based on the day for which the logs are being searched.

Scheduled DAG

This DAG triggers every day at midnight for the previous day.

Bulk Insert For A Date Range

Execute the script to run the DAG for a date range for the staging NDB

sh <start-date> <end-date> ex: sh 01-03-2022 05-03-2022

  • date needs to be in the format of dd-mm-YYYY

  • range exclusive of the last date, [start-date, end-date). For instance: in the above example, the script will trigger DAG on 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th March. It will not be triggered on 5th March.

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