Project Structure

Front-end module project structure


This is the first step towards the setup of the citizen module. Follow the steps given below to create the project structure.


Download the UI code from the link here Birth-Registration. Follow the steps detailed below.

    "name": "@egovernments/digit-ui-module-br",
    "version": "1.5.4",
    "license": "MIT",
    "description": "Birth Registration Module",
    "main": "dist/index.js",
    "module": "dist/index.modern.js",
    "source": "src/Module.js",
    "files": [
    "scripts": {
      "start": "microbundle-crl watch --no-compress --format modern,cjs",
      "build": "microbundle-crl --no-compress --format modern,cjs",
      "prepublish": "yarn build"
    "peerDependencies": {
      "react": "17.0.2",
      "react-router-dom": "5.3.0"
    "dependencies": {
      "@egovernments/digit-ui-libraries": "1.5.4",
      "@egovernments/digit-ui-react-components": "1.5.4",
      "lodash.merge": "^4.6.2",
      "react": "17.0.2",
      "react-dom": "17.0.2",
      "react-hook-form": "6.15.8",
      "react-i18next": "11.16.2",
      "react-query": "3.6.1",
      "react-redux": "7.2.8",
      "react-router-dom": "5.3.0",
      "react-table": "7.7.0",
      "redux": "4.1.2",
      "redux-thunk": "2.4.1"

Last updated

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