Deployment of Airflow DAG
This page provides steps to deploy Airflow DAG.
Deployment of Airflow
The Kubernetes environment is required for the deployment of Airflow.
Step 1: Clone the git repo for airflow, and update the values.yaml as per the requirement.
Step 2: Update the git repository URL and subpath for the directory in values.yaml
Example: the following params are updated as given below:
repo: "GitHub - pmidc-digit/utilities ”
repoSubPath: "egov-national-dashboard-accelerator/dag
branch: "develop
Step 3: Change the directory to airflow and update the helm. Update the helm repo locally and add the airflow repo to Helm using the command below:
helm repo add apache-airflow
The above command pulls the airflow repo and it is added to the local helm repository.
Step 4: Installing Apache airflow after updating the helm repositories
helm install airflow apache-airflow/airflow --namespace egov
The above command will take the updated repo details.
Step 5: Upgrade the changes made to values.yaml using the command below.
helm upgrade --install airflow apache-airflow/airflow -n airflow -f values.yaml
The above command updates the git repo, subpath and branch while deployment.
Step 6: Deployment is done pods service will start running with updated values.yaml
Latest files for the deployment: Attached below is the final "values.yaml" file. It syncs both the plugins and dags from the repo. Airflow Deployment
Last updated
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