Central Monitoring Dashboard Setup
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This page provides the steps and process to set up the central monitoring dashboard.
https://github.com/kubecost/cost-analyzer-helm-chart#kubecost-helm-chart https://prometheus.io/docs/introduction/overview/ https://grafana.com/docs/
All DIGIT services are packaged using helm charts Installing Helm.
kubectl is a CLI to connect to the Kubernetes cluster from your machine.
Install VisualStudio IDE Code for better code/configuration editing capabilities.
Cost-analyzer - cost-analyzer must be deployed on the client side.
Prometheus-operator - Prometheus must be deployed on the client side.
prometheus-kafka-exporter (A Prometheus exporter acts as a proxy between such an application and the Prometheus server) - prometheus-kafka-exporter must be deployed on the client side
Expose the Prometheus Operator using nginx-ingress rule in each client cluster. This makes it easy to access Prometheus metrics in central-dashboard clusters
Note: Ensure you create the CANAME DNS record with the hostname and loadbalancer ID.
Kubecost provides visibility into current and historical Kubernetes spending and resource allocation. These provide cost transparency in Kubernetes environments.
You can deploy the cost analyser using one of the below methods.
1. Deploy using go lang deployer
2. Deploy using Jenkin’s deployment job. Here we are using deploy-to-dev. Choose your environment-specific deployment job.
Below Grafana configuration should be added to the environments file, and then Grafana should be deployed using one of the following methods.
Based on the number of client clusters, you have to add data sources. There should be one entry per client cluster as shown below.
Deploy using go lang deployer
Deploy using Jenkin’s deployment job.
To access the monitoring central dashboard with this https://central-dashboard.digit.org URL. Ensure you create the CANAME DNS record with the hostname and load balancer ID.