7. Bootstrap DIGIT
Steps to bootstrap DIGIT
Topics covered:
Post-deployment, the application can now be accessed from the configured domain. This page provides the bootstrapping steps.
Bootstrapping Steps
To try out employee login, let us create a sample tenant, city, and user to log in and assign the LME employee role through the seed script.
Perform the kubectl port-forwarding of the egov-user service running from the Kubernetes cluster to your localhost. This provides access to egov-user service and allows users to interact with the API directly.
2. Seed the sample data
Ensure the Postman is installed to run the following seed data API. if not, Install postman on your local machine.
Import the following Postman collection into the Postman and run it. This contains the seed data that enables sample test users and localisation data.
Execute the below commands to test your local machine's Kubernetes operations through kubectl.
You have successfully completed the DIGIT Infra, deployment setup and installed a DIGIT - PGR module.
Use the below link in the browser -
Use the below credentials to login into the complaint section
Username: GRO
Password: eGov@4321
DIGIT Deployment Assessment
By now we have successfully completed the DIGIT setup on the cloud, use the URL you mentioned in your env.yaml.
Eg: https://mysetup.digit.org and create a grievance to ensure the PGR module deployed is working fine. Refer to the below product documentation for the steps.
Citizen: You can use your default mobile number (9999999999) to sign in using the default Mobile OTP 123456.
Employee: Username: GRO and password: eGov@4321
Post grievance creation and assignment of the same to LME, capture the screenshot of the same and share it to ensure your setup is working fine. Post validation, the PGR functionality shares the API response of the following request to assess the correctness of successful DIGIT PGR Deployment.
Destroy Cluster
Follow the steps below to clean up the DIGIT setup, if required. This will delete the entire cluster and other cloud resources that were provisioned for the DIGIT Setup.
Run the command below to destroy previously-created infrastructure using Terraform -
ELB is not deployed via Terraform. ELB has created at deployment time by the setup of Kubernetes Ingress. This has to be deleted manually by deleting the ingress service.
kubectl delete deployment nginx-ingress-controller -n <namespace>
kubectl delete svc nginx-ingress-controller -n <namespace>
Note: Namespace can be either provided by egov or Jenkins.
Delete S3 buckets manually from the AWS console and also verify if the ELB got deleted.
In case the ELB is not deleted, you need to delete ELB from the AWS console.
terraform destroy
All done, we have successfully created infra on the cloud, deployed DIGIT, bootstrapped DIGIT, performed a transaction on PGR and finally destroyed the cluster.
Last updated
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