DIGIT Sandbox provides a self-service platform to rapidly try out, build, test, and deploy scalable solutions leveraging DIGIT’s open-source technology stack.
Explore DIGIT products, modules, and offerings more quickly with Sandbox.
Build new products and services in no time with DIGIT Sandbox. (work in progress)
Deploy products and solutions built with DIGIT Sandbox easily. (work in progress)
Note: The DIGIT Sandbox is currently a work in progress and offers limited functions including Complaints and Employee Management modules.
Click here to explore the Sandbox details.
Note For Developers
The Sandbox environment allows users to develop a DIGIT service fast. The DIGIT core services are already set up in the sandbox environment.
To access the DIGIT services you need an API Key and Secret. We are working on a self-service portal where you can register and get the keys. In the meantime, email to get the API access keys.
Once you get the API access keys, follow the step-by-step Developer Guide to build a new DIGIT service.
Sandbox Access
Note that the current Sandbox environment only supports access to the Complaints and Employee Management modules.
The Access DIGIT tool enables you to explore other applications built for Local Governance.
Demo Request
Feedback - Click here to give your feedback.
Partnership Queries - For any further queries or feedback please write to us at
Last updated
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