Last updated 7 months ago
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Search file url.
Unique id for a tenant.
Unique filestoreids.
curl -L \ --url '/files/url'
{ "filestoreId": [ "text" ] }
tag name.
curl -L \ --url '/files/tag'
{ "files": [ { "url": "text", "contetntType": "text" } ] }
metadata of file.
Unique fileStoreId.
curl -L \ --url '/files/metaData'
{ "fileName": "text", "contetntType": "text", "tenantId": "text", "resource": "text", "fileSize": "text" }
fileStore id.
curl -L \ --url '/files/id'
No body
The endpoint for uploading file in the system.
The file to upload.
Unique ulb identifier.
module name.
curl -L \ --request POST \ --url '/files' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \ --data 'file=null&tenantId=text&module=text&tag=text'
{ "files": [ { "fileStoreId": "text", "tenantId": "text" } ] }