Configure Application Properties
The file is already populated with default values. Read on to learn how to customise and add extra values for your application (if required).
Kafka topics for the module that need to be added are detailed here.
There are three ways to access services:
a. Run the code locally.
b. Access the service in a DIGIT environment.
c. Access the service locally via port forwarding. This bypasses Zuul's authentication and authorization.
Wherever the localhost is in the URL, the Kubernetes port forwarding has been set up from the development environment to the specified port. In your setup, modify the URLs for the various services depending on whether you are using them from an environment or running them locally or accessing them via port-forwarding.
For example, if no port forwarding has been done, you will have to provide the FQDN of your DIGIT install instead of localhost. Also, without port forwarding, you will have to update the auth tokens in your .aws profile file periodically.
Include all the necessary service host URLs and API endpoints in the "" file.
This guide specifically references the User, Localisation, HRMS, IDGen, MDMS, and Workflow services that are operational within the DIGIT development environment.
Configure Application Properties
Add the following properties to the
The following properties must be added for configuring the database and Kafka server. Make sure to use the default values to tune in the Kafka server that can be overwritten during deployment.
Include the following properties in the "" file to configure the database and Kafka for development purposes once you have completed adding the external dependencies to the "pom.xml" file and reloading the Maven changes.
Configure Kafka
Kafka Topics For Module
Create & Update Kafka Topics For The Module
Append Kafka configurations as per the specific requirements of the DIGIT services. Each module may use different configurations to manage its topics.
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