UI Components Standardisation


This technical documentation provides a comprehensive approach to enhancing a UI library to reduce UI/UX audit bugs after development. The improvements include the integration of newer components, standardisation of design principles, stability enhancements, conversion of px to em units for scalability and accessibility, introduction of Storybook for component checking, implementation of color and text size constants, addition of newer component variants, and creation of Flutter widgets for cross-platform compatibility.

Integrating Newer Components

To address UI/UX audit bugs, we will integrate newer components that offer improved functionality, design, and performance. These components should align with current design trends and user expectations, enhancing the overall user experience. Below is the list of DIGIT Components

Design Principles Standardisation

Standardising design principles ensures consistency across the UI library, reducing the likelihood of UI/UX audit bugs. This involves establishing design guidelines, naming conventions, and usage patterns for components.

Stability Enhancement

Enhancing the stability of the UI library is crucial for reducing UI/UX audit bugs. This includes optimizing code quality, implementing robust testing strategies, and monitoring performance to identify and address potential issues.

Conversion Of px To em Units

Transitioning from px to em units improves scalability and accessibility, reducing UI/UX audit bugs related to inconsistent text sizes and layouts across different devices and screen resolutions.

Integration With Storybook

Storybook provides a development environment for testing and documenting components, helping to identify and address UI/UX audit bugs early in the development process.

Introduction Of Color & Text Size Constants

Implementing color and text size constants ensures consistency in styling across the UI library, reducing UI/UX audit bugs related to color contrast, readability, and visual hierarchy.

Addition Of Newer Component Variants

Introducing newer component variants enhances flexibility and caters to diverse user requirements, reducing UI/UX audit bugs related to limited functionality or options.

Creation Of Flutter Widgets

Creating Flutter widgets extends the UI library's reach to mobile platforms, reducing UI/UX audit bugs related to inconsistent user experiences across different devices and operating systems.

Refer to the below docs to learn more about react and flutter components -


By implementing these improvements, including integrating newer components, standardizing design principles, enhancing stability, converting px to em units, integrating with Storybook, introducing color and text size constants, adding newer component variants, and creating Flutter widgets, the UI library will be better equipped to reduce UI/UX audit bugs after development. These enhancements promote consistency, scalability, accessibility, and cross-platform compatibility, resulting in a more polished and user-friendly experience for end-users.

Last updated

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